Support Group Facilitation & Financial Management Training

ENTRENAMIENTO PARA FACILITAR GRUPO DE APOYO & GESTION FINANCIERA Who should attend? Parents/Caregivers, Providers, Community Organizations interested in starting a Support Group in their local communities.  Willing to work collaboratively…

Developing Needs and Benchmarks

Who Should Attend? Parents, Family Members, Community Agency Staff, DCF Staff, Probation/Parole Officers, School Staff, Community Collaborative Members, LIST Members, and anyone who works with or supports children and families!…

Strength Based Documentation

Who Should Attend? Parents, Family Members, Community Agency Staff, DCF Staff, Probation/Parole Officers, School Staff, Community Collaborative Members, LIST Members, and anyone who works with or supports children and families!…

Engaging Families and Teams Utilizing the Wraparound Process

Who Should Attend? Parents, Family Members, Community Agency Staff, DCF Staff, Probation/Parole Officers, School Staff, Community Collaborative Members, LIST Members, and anyone who works with or supports children and families!…

CONECTando a la Juventud

Los Participantes seran introducidos al Sistema del Comportamiento Sano y a la Salud Mental de los Niños como una parte importante de la Salud General. Nos enfocamos en tres pilares…

CONNECTing Youth

Participants will be introduced to the Children’s Behavioral Health System and to mental health as an important part of your overall health. We focus on three pillars — Physical, Mental…

Wraparound Overview-En Español

Who Should Attend? Wraparound Facilitators, Family Advocates, School Staff, Community Partner Agency Staff, Behavioral Health Providers, Community Members, etc.   What are the benefits of this training? This two day…